Comment: Helloo Ms. Lemon! Thanks for your lovely envelope, zine, and pictures. Very nice indeed and it made me smile too. So you get a heart. Cue applause! Happy swapping!
Comment: You're mail art and rabbit sticker was devine, as were the other extras.
I would indeed like to be your mail art penpal. I hope you've kept my address, I shall need yours (please message it to me etc.) and we can perhaps send each other a mail art envelope of smiles each month?
Comment: Your mailart is GREAT! Lots of different details. I hope you enjoyed making it, and do make more. I think the postal workers enjoy the variety.
Comment: I give you a heart for your very nice zentangle and sending an extra postcard.
Though your card is not an atc considering the format (6,4x8,9cm) which is the most important rule of an atc.
I like the thai letter on the vintage postcard. Maybe you can send me more of this? Would be great to have an exchange.