All ratings for ohhhkay
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Response: I am back on swapbot after life went insane and would love to make this up to you. Please send me a message so we can work things out!
Response: Huge Buffy fan! :)
Response: I am back on swapbot after life went insane and would love to make this up to you. Please send me a message so we can work things out!
Response: I am back on swapbot after life went insane and would love to make this up to you. Please send me a message so we can work things out!
Response: I am back on swapbot after life went insane and would love to make this up to you. Please send me a message so we can work things out!
Response: =) glad it arrived safely!
Response: I am back on swapbot after life went insane and would love to make this up to you. Please send me a message so we can work things out!
Response: I'm so glad he arrived and had a safe journey! I'm feeling better, thank you! :)
Response: YAY! You're welcome! Check out the books by JR Ward! She's AMAZING.
Response: you're welcome, lin! i am doing good! miss you!
Response: she is so sweet! you're welcome!
Response: I'm glad you liked them! They are all worth checking out, especially the BDB series by JR Ward!
Response: You're very welcome! I just left you a comment on your page with about the books! If you want, I will send you a list of the books I have read/am reading. :)
Response: Hi! Thank you! I didn't think it would turn out the way it did, but I am happy with it! I'll reply to your email soon! I'm so excited you know where I was writing about!!
Response: YAY! I'm glad we have stuff in common! That's always fun. I probably could have written another forty thousand pages if I kept going. ;)
Response: You are very welcome! I had a lot of fun coming up with everything! :)
Response: I originally wanted to add more, but nothing I wrote sounded like how I had planned. I eventually got frustrated and just sent what I had. Anyway, I was born early and had stopped growing in my mom's womb during the pregnancy, so I was a sick little girl.
Response: You're welcome!
Response: I am so glad you like it! I had a blast writing it. I could have written a whole novel from it if I kept going. :D I'm going to do NaNoWriMo too, we should keep in touch and encourage each other in November! I always get stuck during the middle of the month. ;) I can't wait to see what you can come up with using the dark and stormy night sentence!